Monday 31 August 2020

The Loneliness Of Autumn - 80 hours

Hi all!

Back for another month of this SAL I'm stitching with Leonore. I think you're all familiar with it by now.

This month was onwards with the 3865 off-white. Luckily, because it's in blocks you can just about see it, but not that clearly. It forms the lamp lights and their reflections in the puddles, mostly around the bench.

Leonore's happy to have started her second colour but, like mine, it's not very different to the first.

I've only got a few blocks of white reflection left to stitch in the bottom right before moving on to a 'proper' colour. So next month you should see a splash of autumn; exciting stuff!

Take care,
Rachel x


Linda said...

It looks great Rachel and I can see the white.


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I can see it when I enlarge the photo! I am looking forward to an actual colour next time too.

Annie said...

When I angled the computer I could see it! Great progress and looking forward to seeing some colour too!

Faith... said...

Funny that even with only one color you can make out the different things in the design.

Faith... said...

I meant so few colors, not one... duh

Leonore Winterer said...

I really can see it, great progress! I'm looking forward to seeing your first proper autumn colour soon.

Tiffstitch said...

Oh lovely! It's so interesting to see the higher contrast parts of this one first.