Monday 24 August 2020

Hogwarts In A Bottle - 180 hours

Hi there!

Here's the next part of Hogwarts:

Last time:

And now:

I've just about finished the train so only have the clouds of steam and lots of backstitcing left to do. These, as most of you have suggested, will take about 3 more 10-hour sessions, so the end is definitely in sight now.

Next time I'll be starting with some backstitching; I may be desperate to get the whole piece stitched up but there is also no way I want to leave the amount of backstitching left to last!

Take care,
Rachel x


Linda said...

Awesome progress Rachel.


Annie said...

My goodness, this is such an amazing piece! Well done! Isn't it lovely when one can see the end getting nearer:D

Quilting Tangent said...

So realistic! Great job! Love seeing your progress.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Great work on the train, it's a real splash of colour! Definitely a good idea to stitch the backstitch as you go!

Faith... said...

Looks great; you'll be finished in no time!

Katie said...

Wow. Looking great! I always backstitch as I go. I hate leaving it all till the end.

Astrids dragon said...

I can't wait to see it finished! Yes, so very close!
I always used to wait until the end to backstitch everything, but not anymore.

Tiffstitch said...

This looks amazing!! And yes, there is so much backstitch! At least I think it's all in black?

Leonore Winterer said...

Wow, great progress! The train looks amazing, and you're getting sooo close now.