Hi everyone!
As you are probably fed up with hearing by now, Tiff, Annie and I have spent the last four months starting a new project each weekend. We called this the Spring Into Summer New Start Binge, the replacement for the Tokyo Olympic Stitching Challenge which was postponed alongside the Olympics.
The original plan of 17 new starts in 17 days was, if I am honest, a little daunting! Spreading them over 17 weekends, was much less so, and perhaps even more enjoyable. Not once did it feel like a burden with 'oh not another new start' and not once did I regret my choices.
I'm sort of sorry that it's actually all over (I certainly have enough projects to carry on for many many weeks) but am also glad that I can now concentrate on the projects which are on this year's to-finish list.
Here's a reminder of all the new starts:
Five Winnie The Poohs:
Four Solo birds:

Chick Berry

Humming Along

Lady In Red

Simply Wren
Two Gothic-themed Whispered by The Winds:

In The Gloaming

Two Merry Mice:

Mouse Reading Book

Mouse With Books
Two Seasonal designs:
Wonderful Fright
Happiness Delivery Couple
And two others:
Pretty Little Toronto
Basket Case
The most productive new start was Chick Berry with 5 hour 55 minutes of stitching over the weekend, the least productive was Pretty Little Toronto with only 10 minutes.
The most complicated new start was definitely In The Gloaming with countless stitching, frogging and thread changes until the right combination of colours was found.
However, my favourite new start was also In The Gloaming. I must have stitched that bit of roof four or five times, but it didn't alter my enthusiasm for the design one little bit.
Luckily I don't have a least favourite new start. although am assuming that all the yellow-gold required for the five Winnie the Poohs may get a little tedious if I don't spread them out.
The most fun new start was Mouse With Books; the mouse's expression is contagious and the designer really makes things subtle with the use of blended threads. She's the designer who charted Hogwarts In A Bottle so I knew what to expect, and I love using blends.
And, finally, my favourite fabric was the purple with clouds and stars used for Wonderful Fright. I don't often stitch on 'busy' fabrics so that was an enjoyable change.
As for finishing them, 7 of the 17 require less than 10 hours work, and another 5 less than 20 hours, so these 12 should become finishes 'fairly' quickly once I pick them up again. The remaining 5, especially Pretty Little Toronto, will require a bit (lot) more work. I knew it unlikely that any would be finished during the four months, and probably not even this year, but what's another 17 to add to my WIP pile (I'm up to a disgusting 62 if anyone's counting!)
I absolutely loved this binge and have been thinking about another, and this is the exciting news.....
Tiff and I have discussed a much smaller starting binge towards the end of the year. We thought November would be good - it's not too soon after this one plus it's after Dark October but before the Christmas rush. Tiff came up with the name 'Naughty November'.
So if any of you fancy joining us for a four weekend mini new start binge in Naughty November (starting weekend of 7th-8th) please do!
Unsurprisingly, I already have my four projects planned. I won't show the charts but will show the fabrics; the first three of which I'm convinced were designed with the charts in mind.
At the top are (and their names are a not-so-subtle hint as to the type of designs to be stitched on them) Shades Of Spring and Shades Of Summer and at the bottom Shades Of Autumn and Cloud Winter Sky. I did purchase Shades Of Winter but it was too greeny-grey for the design and I don't want to change the colours.
As for the actual postponed-until-next-year Tokyo Olympic Stitching Challenge, well, assuming the Olympics goes ahead, I'm planning another 17 starts during the 17 days between 23rd July and 8th August inclusive with one new start each day.
Should the Olympics be cancelled completely (since it's been agreed another postponement is not an option) then the plan is to do the same as this year and spread those 17 starts over the 17 weekends in April, May, June and July in the Spring Into Summer New Start Binge 2021. I'll keep you updated as announcements are made.
Whichever the case, I'm excited already and you've got plenty of time to plan if you wish to join in.
Now to look forward to Naughty November...
Take care,
Rachel x