Sunday 23 June 2019

Green Halloween Banner - 50 hours

Hi everyone!

How to sum up this latest stint on Green Halloween Banner? Black. Lots of black. Lots and lots and lots of black. Great for mindless stitching when my brain was too tired to cope with anything else! What it does make for, though, is great progress.

After 40 hours:

And now after another ten:

I said it makes for great progress! The temptation is to keep this out but Hogwarts is also calling. Oh, if only I had four (or more) hands!

Take care,
Rachel x


Shortbread and Ginger said...

It is great! Love those greens!

Linda said...

Awesome progress Rachel. I looks great.


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Hey, there's green in there too! It does look good though. I've been doing solid blocks of colour on my map but alternating with some backstitch for interest!

Katie said...

Fantastic progress! Looks great. I bet it would get boring but really nice like you said for when you just need a break.

Aurelia Eglantine said...

Great progress! I'm doing mindless stitching too right now, filling in a border. But it is great for when you're too tired to think LOL

Faith... said...

It looks fabulous Rachel! I am so excited to see how far you have come with it. Is where the (green brick) road ends the bottom of the chart? It should be finished in no time... right after your week with Hogwarts!

Leonore Winterer said...

That was a lot of black - and I lot of progress! I'm thinking maybe two more slots?
I really like how the green road looks coming out of the black right now.

Astrids dragon said...

So close, it looks wonderful so far. You have plenty of time to finish before Halloween, Hogwarts away!