
Saturday, 16 April 2016

A-Z Challenge - N is for.....

Hello again!

Today's little phrase is N is for:

adjective - (of a man) to be annoyed, bullied, dominated, harassed, intimidated, nagged, etc. by a woman, usually his wife
verb - (of a woman) to do the above
origin - from the practise of hens pecking each other to establish their dominance over other hens (their pecking order), or of the hens plucking the rooster for the same reason

Oh, how could I not show some chicken-related charts to accompany henpecked?

59 Chickens by Jeanette Crews Designs

A Fresh Approach by Leisure Arts

Happy Hens by Heritage Crafts

My personal Ns include:
nagging - according to my children. But then if they did as they were supposed to do I wouldn't have to repeatedly ask them (i.e. nag) would I?
nocturnal - I'm very lucky and can burn the candle at both ends. I'm very rarely asleep before 12.30am and enjoy stitching late at night whilst the house is silent.

And my completed N piece is :

Celtic Christmas by Lavender and Lace
(it has NOEL stitched on it, hence the N connection)

This was my last finish before I started blogging. I adored stitching her but did make a few alterations to the pattern including a less complicated border and fewer beads. Naturally the metallic gold in her dress was a nightmare!

Sunday tomorrow, so a day off from the A-Z Challenge for you and me. Back on Monday with O.
Rachel x


  1. Oh great, another new English word for me. And some great hen charts. Happy hens is so sweet and wold certainly be a fun stitch. sometimes I regret being on a chart buying diet, lol. But I still have a wish list.
    Wonderful your Celtic Christmas.

  2. Your Lavender and Lace is so gorgeous!! You have been hiding lot of treasured pieces:)
    Nagging is a very misused term linked to mothers and wives. It is just our way of verbally going through a checklist and ensuring our loved ones are safe, healthy and ummm...ofcourse, falling in-line with our rules:D

  3. Another stunning finish!!!! I didn't know you stitched so many big projects.
    Oh yeah, apparently I am nagging a lot too, so they say ;)

  4. The Celtic Christmas piece is amazing!
    Another really great update...
    I'm accused of nagging quite often, but I always say...."if you listened to me the first time, I wouldn't have to say it again (and again)." ;)

  5. I'd be all over those chickens! Once I get this stocking stitched, ergh!

    Haha What a fun "N." I asked my hubster, "Do you feel henpecked?" and he replied, rather quickly, "No, not right now. I ain't yer dad. Oh!!!" Hahaha

  6. Beautiful I love your Noel. I need to do a L&L celtic lady someday.

  7. Love the charts Rachel. Another gorgeous finish from the past that you have been hiding from us.


  8. Heeheehee love your "n" word. Your Noel piece is beautiful

    Fangirl Stitches cross stitching A-Z
    Travel like a Geek Harry Potter Tour

  9. "N"eato post. (LOL That was a stretch. Couldn't come up with anything fun other than neat haha.) Love your Noel piece. Gorgeous!!

  10. Gorgeous work on L&L, and I'm sure you don't nag. :)

  11. Nice one! I stitched Noel years ago, once as charted and once as a bride for a friend. I wish I had a better photo of her.


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