
Monday 13 March 2023

Mischievous March New Start #2 - Grand Canyon National Park

Hi all!

For week two of Mischievous March I chose what is probably the most famous natural land formation in the US, the Grand Canyon (column 9 row 6).

Grand Canyon National Park, covering an area of 4,863km2 in Arizona, was designated a National Park in 1919. I chose it more because of its famous status than the design, although do like the blend of the sepia sky with the orange and claret rock. Here's my start over the weekend; only five rows away from reaching the bottom:

Grand Canyon National Park from 63 US National Parks by TeenyWeenyXStitch (etsy)
Stitched on 16ct Antique White aida
Stitching time to date - 4 hours 10 minutes

I won't give away how much of last week's new start, Grand Teton, I completed before starting this one, but wonder if I can achieve the same before starting the third one next Saturday ;)

Take care,
Rachel x


  1. Fun. Thanks for sharing. I've seen the grand canyon. I laughed. I got out of the van walked over and was like Um okay it's a canyon. I was 15 and that grouchy teenager. I wanted to get back to my reading haha.

  2. I have never been to the Grand Canyon and it is about 400 miles from me. I would love to go sometime but unfortunately I can't sit that long to get there. I hope you get far on stitching it!

  3. It's wonderful to turn the US National Parks into art with embroidery.
    Of course you who work on it too. I look forward to the future. Please enjoy.🙌

  4. Another great start! I can’t even begin to imagine the size of the Grand Canyon! There’s nothing here that really compares.

  5. Seeing it for real is amazing, nice to have a stitch of it!

  6. Oh, great choice! Looking forward to seeing the next one.


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