
Tuesday 20 September 2022

'January' Biscornu - started and finished!

Hi all,

Whilst life means I still can't stitch for long each night, and my plans for the last few months (and probably the remainder of the year) have long since flown away, I thought I'd stitch something I've wanted to try for a while - a biscornu.

With thanks to Leonore for providing the link, I armed myself with bright fabric and a Jodyri variegated thread and stitched the January Biscornu by Magicalquilts. The front is stitched as charted but the back is a simplified version containing only the cross-stitch elements.

January Biscornu by Magicalquilts
Stitched on 16ct Bermuda over-dyed aida with Jodyri thread 'Flowering Cactus'
Started - 19th August 2022
Finished - 7th September 2022
Total stitching time - 9 hours 40 minutes

I think it's going to look quite sweet once FFOd.

Now I've done one, I doubt this will be my last biscornu, especially as they're simple to stitch and aren't finished as one of my usual ornies! And since this is the 'January' biscornu by Magicalquilts, I still have another 11 months to choose from.

Take care,
Rachel x


  1. That’s a gorgeous biscornu pattern. I need to make one myself. One day!

  2. Beautiful. I love making biscornus. No sewing required haha.

    Hope life is treating you well.

  3. It looks great Rachel. Now comes the fun part, putting it together!

  4. I'm glad you're actually getting to stitch these! Your version looks so different from mine, with the colours and the fabric, but just as pretty.


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