
Saturday 5 February 2022

People's Choice SAL - Snow

Hello all!

It's the first Saturday of the month so time for the People's Choice SAL run by Jo from Serendipitous Stitching. Continued thanks to Jo for hosting this unique SAL which has a different theme each month.

This month's theme is Snow, very apt if you are, like me (although I'm sure you would never have guessed!) a fan of the Winter Olympics!

Where I live in the UK we get very little snow so I feel quite emotional when it stays around for even just a couple of days. But, interestingly, I've stitched very little with snow; it appears that snow is, unintentionally, not high on my priority list.

But at least I have a couple to show:

Winter Owl was stitched in 2015. I love how he's trying to keep warm:

And Christmas Quacker, also from 2015, sees poor little Souffle the duck being caught up in a snowball:

In my stash are a couple of snowy-themed designs by Imaginating, Snowmen Gathering and Winter Silhouette. These are quite near the top of my to-stitch list, but keep getting nudged down by new purchases. The moral of the story... stop buying stash!!

And that's about all I could find! Quite disappointing really.

Next month's theme is Quilts, something I could do with right now as I'm trying to keep warm whilst watching the Winter Olympics!

Take care,
Rachel x


  1. Such a lovely owl, nice scarf (I first thought it was a snood and thought how "à la mode" she was!). Love the "snowball" duck (DD2 is a great fan of ducks I'm sure she'd like it!). Those sihouettes will be great stitched on a dark blue, I hope it will get soon on the top of your list, please... I love too watching Winter Olympics, I learned a lot about curling yesterday with replays. xxx

  2. Your snow stitchery pieces are very cute. Your stash pieces to be stitched are also nice!

  3. Such cute snowy designs, your owl looks like all his feathers are frozen

  4. Awe, your finishes pieces are so adorable!
    Your two "new" ones will be lovely whenever you decide to start them.

  5. Two good snow finishes. I like the projects that you have sitting in your stash.

  6. The little owl is just lovely and the Snowmen Gathering piece looks a very fun design to stitch .. maybe for next Christmas?

  7. The snowy season is my least favorite time of the year but you managed to find a couple of cute pieces to stitch! I lobe the owl and duck!!

  8. Thanks for taking part in The People's Choice this month. I love your adorable little creatures, especially the owl. The snowy town looks like just my sort of project too! On Millenium Blue fabric!

  9. Love your snow birds, they are very cute!


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