
Tuesday 3 August 2021

Tokyo Olympics New Start #11 - Netherlands

Hello again!

I'm continuing to watch as much of the Olympics as possible, no matter what the sport. It's quite nice to have the athletics on, and even without a crowd the atmosphere seems to be doing its job of creating record after record. And is it me, or do the athletes seem to be congratulating each other more than usual? Guess they're all just pleased to be there.

I only managed a small amount on this new piece, which was a shame as I was really looking forward to making a good start on the windmill:

Netherlands from A Journey Around The World by Soda Stitch
Stitched on 18ct Around The World over-dyed aida
Stitch count 78 wide by 69 high
Started - 2nd August 2021
Stitching time to date - 20 minutes

Out of all my new starts so far, apart from the dragon, I think this is the one I'm most looking forward to returning to.

Fun Olympic Fact
The most successful family to compete at the Summer Olympics were father and son Oscar and Alfred Swahn. Between 1908 and 1924 they won 15 medals - 6 gold, 4 silver 5 bronze - mostly in shooting.

Two other families have each won 14 medals - Aladar Gerevich, his wife, Erna, his son, Pal, and his father-in-law, Albert, won 7 golds, 2 silvers and 5 bronzes in fencing between 1912 and 1980, and Takashi Ono and his wife, Kiyoko, won 5 golds, 4 silvers and 5 bronzes in gymnastics between 1952 and 1964 (although to be fair, Takashi won all but one bronze himself!)

Take care,
Rachel x


  1. I might have to look into this series (if I ever start stitching again) as I love both the theme and the fabric. Perfect stitch for the Olympics.

  2. Another very cute one, and interesting facts too!

  3. Lovely new country design.
    I'm enjoying the facts too.

  4. The father-son duo might have won the most medals, but somehow I find that family where apparently everyone made it into the Olympics more impressive!

    Love your new start, I can see why you are looking forward to getting back to it.


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