
Saturday 10 July 2021

Link-up For Fully Finished Gallery - July 2021

Hello all!

It's the 10th of the month so time for another Fully Finished Gallery SAL, the place to show your FFOing achievements since your last link-up.

The link-up for this SAL opens on the 10th of each month and stays open for 10 days so you can join in whenever you're ready.

As with the last couple of months, I again have only one FFO, but one is better than none! It's last month's Smalls SAL piece, the beautiful little Galah, finished as my usual ornie with co-ordinating backing fabric and barley twist cord:

(Between you and me, if you're a last minute FFOer, then take solace that this was only finished at 9 o'clock last night!)

Now it's your turn.

Please link-up using the URL of your FFG SAL post and not the home page of your blog, adding a thumbnail of a finish and either your name or your blog name as the caption. The link-up will remain open for 10 days, closing at 6am UK time on 20th July.

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And please don't forget to follow other links and see what fellow fully-finishers have been up to; an encouraging comment can go a long way.

I'm aware I haven't thanked any of you for months for taking part; the emails are still in my inbox so I'll get to them, and others, at some point.

Next month's FFG SAL post will go live on 10th August at 6am UK time. Hope to see you there!

In the meantime, thank you if you're taking part in Christmas In July. I have finished a Christmas Small and have made a start on Lizzie Kate's Merry Christmas By The Letter so will post about those soon.

As for the Tokyo Olympic 17 day new start binge starting next Friday, well, with one week to go, it looks as though they're still going ahead, which means so am I! Apart from not wanting to let my startner-in-crime, Tiff, down, I think another 17 new starts is just what I need to help reclaim my mojo and stitching time. So watch this space for some new start goodies soon!

Take care,
Rachel x


  1. I am a convinced last minute FFOer usually, but this month, I came prepared! Your little bird is very cute, though.

    I'm looking forward to seeing you and Tiff go crazy with the starts again! I'm still planning to do my one Olympic start and maybe work on it a little every day during the games.

  2. I love the pink Galah and you're right - one finish is better than none!

  3. Pretty finish, what lovely backing fabric.

  4. very cute finish, and one more than I have! :)

  5. I love seeing your birds because they are so different than ours.

  6. A very sweet stitch & finish, I love the pink!

  7. I'm quite fond of these little Fuzzy Fox birds! And this one is pink! So cute!


Thank you for taking time to view and comment on my blog. All comments are read and greatly appreciated. I try to reply, even if it's just to say another thank you. :)