
Sunday 13 January 2019

Fully-Finished Gallery SAL - progress update

Hi all!

Wow! It's only been a few days but I've already had so many positive comments about this SAL that I wanted to pop by and say thank you. Further thanks to those who have promoted this idea on your blogs too; it's been very much appreciated.

You have agreed that perhaps this is the proverbial 'kick up the backside' some of you need to get going with your FFOs so it seems as if my mission to see more fully-finished objects may indeed not be impossible!

Some of you who commented won't have had replies as either your comments did not come through as emails or you are a no-reply blogger. In these instances I have left replies in the comments section of the original post so please check them out. There's nothing I can do about the former, but if you are a no-reply blogger, please consider changing so that all bloggers can reply to your comments (I can help you out with how to do it, as blogger decides once a month or so that I should be a no-reply blogger so I regularly have to go through the process!)

There is now a logo for the SAL which you can find on the top right of my blog. It's quite a simple logo, designed to look like a stamp (and took hubby all of 10 minutes to make!) but does have impact, I think. Please copy and add it to the top of each FFG SAL post. I'll come up with a better one for 2020 if I decide to change it.

At the top of my blog you'll also find a page dedicated to this SAL. I've tried not to lay down any 'rules' as such but have written guidelines. Please take time to read it, and let me know if you think I've missed anything.

I've found and already set up a nice linky-widget thingy with thumbnails for when you check-in, and a spreadsheet has been set up ready to be populated with the relevant data, so now it's just a waiting game... well, waiting and fully-finishing game if you're intending to join in!

I'm so excited about this new venture and I hope you are too. 27 days and counting!

Happy fully-finishing!
Rachel x


  1. Wohoo!!! So happy you are getting a huge response. I love the idea!!

  2. Love this idea! I plan to give it a go as well and thank you for coordinating. :)

  3. So exciting! I am so pleased that there are some many people like me that need a kick up the backside to FFO things!
    Love your logo :o)
    Looking forward to seeing everyone's FFO! Thanks for being the host :o)
    Hugs x

  4. Thank you for hosting this SAL. I love the motivation to FFO my finishes.

  5. Looking forward to participating Rachel!

    Thanks for your hard work with organizing it!

  6. Really looking forward to taking part in the SAL, Rachel. Thank you so much for coming up with it. Looking forward to seeing how everyone is finishing their stitching.

  7. I think I have enough things lying around to get to one FFO per month (with some new finishes in between as well). Would be nice to get them all done :)

  8. Great to see the page up and ready for us. I've started to draft my post already by adding photos as I FFO something. That should make it easier when it comes to the 10th!
    So looking forward to seeing what everyone shares with us,


Thank you for taking time to view and comment on my blog. All comments are read and greatly appreciated. I try to reply, even if it's just to say another thank you. :)