
Saturday 11 March 2017

Blogoversary Giveaway Winner

Good afternoon all!

Sorry, I was supposed to post this yesterday.....

Thank you to everybody who left comments wishing me a happy blogoversary. Not many people seem to celebrate their blogoversaries anymore so it's nice to be different.

There were only 10 entries in the giveaway this year, giving you all a better chance of winning.

I found a free RNG, punched in the numbers, pressed the magic button and up popped number 10. Tiffstitch!

Please email me (address on left hand side) and let me know which store you would like the voucher for and I'll see what I can do.

Thanks go to the rest of you for entering, and if you didn't win, better luck next year!

All the best,
Rachel x


  1. Congratulations to Tiff!
    I always celebrate my blogaversary with a special post. I think since the ticker thing that everyone used stopped working people don't notice the date so much.

  2. Congrats To Tiff, I usually celebrate my Blogversary too

  3. I used to celebrate my blogerversary but I keep forgetting about it! I must try and remember this year.

    Congratulations to Tiff.

  4. Congrats to Tiff. Yeah I've never celebrated it. I should look up the exact date to see when it was.


Thank you for taking time to view and comment on my blog. All comments are read and greatly appreciated. I try to reply, even if it's just to say another thank you. :)