
Monday, 10 October 2016

Charity Hair Cut

Good morning all.

Usually I don't post about anything other than cross stitch but in this instance I am making an exception.

On 25th October, my daughter will be having her hair cut for charity. Now, that doesn't seem impressive until you realise we are talking about cutting off a massive 24"!! It's a big undertaking but one to which she has been fully committed for a few weeks.

Her hair will be donated to the Little Princess Trust who make wigs for boys and girls who have lost their hair through treatment for cancer or other illnesses. Here is a link to her justgiving page where you can see the length of her hair and read her thoughts. I am not asking you to donate, just send her a few words of encouragement and think about if there is anything you too can do to help a worthy cause.

Having said that though, Heather would like to raise £300 (the minimum cost of making a wig) but I have agreed if she raises £1000 I will have about 15" of my hair cut off too (my hair's about the same length.)

I feel so proud of Heather wanting to do this although will, no doubt, be shedding more than a few tears on 25th! I will post before, during and after photos of the event.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post - you can get back to reading stitching-related posts now!

Rachel x


  1. You must be so proud of her. She is going to do a amazing thing and her hair will grow back. She will put a smile on a very sick child and that is a great thing. By the way I don't comment much but have to say you have some cute little cross stitching.

  2. Oh my goodness... that is a big undertaking! Well done Heather! Good luck with the fund raising :o)
    My hairdresser recently had a young girl in doing the same thing for an Aussie charity... she went from below her waist length to just above the shoulder - big change!
    Hugs xx

  3. Good for her - that's a very generous thing for her to do.

  4. That is fantastic, good for both of you!

  5. I've put a couple of quid in, really I want to see her Dad dye his beard!
    Shebafudge has gone one better though, she's going for the full head shave. brrrr for this time of year!

  6. Wow good for her! I've done the same thing with about the same amount of hair. I always feel great after and my head feels so light!


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