
Wednesday 6 January 2016

DUCJC 2016 - Day 5 - Let's Eat Dessert

Morning all!

The chosen start for day 5 was something totally different for me. I have seen a few Ursula Michael "Let's" Word charts stitched up (mainly by Katie, Jeremiah's Mom) so thought I would have a browse for one or two (or more!) for myself. Amazingly I only bought this one but definitely believe it will not be my last!

Here's my progress for the day:

Let's Eat Dessert by Ursula Michael
Artecy (via
Stitched on 16ct Crocus hand-dyed aida by The Crafty Kitten 2 over 1
Stitch count 97 wide by 125 high
Estimated stitching time 40 hours
Stitching time to date - 3 hours 15 minutes

I thought the fabric gave this design a really sweet-tooth feel. If I were to stitch another similar design I would probably choose evenweave over aida as there are lots of fractionals.

And to prove I'm human, frogs kept visiting. I couldn't believe how many times I miscounted at the beginning, even though I only had to count up to two or three! By the time I'd got to "Butterscotch" though I'd sent the frogs packing.

Tomorrow sees the return of a character who appeared on two of last year's finished Challenge pieces.

Take care
Rachel x


  1. Gorgeous - the fabric looks amazing! Funny about the frogs. Maybe they will visit less as you get into it?

  2. That fabric is stunning! A perfect choice :) Great start :)

  3. I've always liked the Wordplay peices, but have never done one myself. You seem to get such a lot done in one day! Great start, and wonderful fabric choice.

  4. The fabric is perfect for this chart.

  5. The fabric is perfect for this chart.

  6. Wow, it looks yummy!!! I love the colour of the fabric you have chosen for this project. It fits perfectly! Overall, looks good enough to eat :) (well I wouldn't obviously, who will be silly enough to eat fabric! cakes on the other hand...)

  7. Ohh of course I love it!! Great choice too. So cute. You're right the fabric does look yummy. Wonderful start!! Sorry the frogs wanted to join along but glad you told them to go away quickly. I found I miscount these alot too. I just have to slow down and I count several times before I move on haha.

  8. Great start! I keep looking at those patterns as well. Hope the frog stays away for tomorrow, is it the black cat?

  9. Adorable start and the fabric really fits the piece!

  10. Ooo great start! I saw this at first and thought it was Katie lol. I was doing the same thing yesterday with messing up counting to three lol I didn't frog though I just fudged it. But you can't really do that with this :)

  11. Great start and gorgeous fabric Rachel.


  12. So very cute and that is the perfect fabric for it!

  13. So yummy and sweet design!!:) and the fabric is beautiful too!!

  14. These word designs are so funny. Like you I have seen several on Katie's blog. This one is really special with all the sweet words. I think it would make me hungry if I stitched it, lol.

  15. Awesome additional to your starts. Love your fabric choice for this, it really suits the piece so well.

  16. I LOVE this one!!!! I'll have to add this to my wish list.


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