
Sunday, 12 October 2014

Autumnal Abstract - 60 hour update

Hello all!

I hope you are all well in stitchy-blog land and getting along with your various projects and SALs etc. I have been reading but not commenting on blogs recently so apologise and will try to catch up soon.

My progress on Autumnal Abstract has been very quick so far. This is due to a lifestyle change which now involves me limiting my sleep to under 6 hours per night and therefore having more stitching time in the late evenings. I have moved my daylight lamp and frame into our snug lounge and can now lock myself away and stitch until the small hours with just the guinea pigs and DVDs for company. This is the "me time" that I have been craving for years and has dampened the bitterness I have been feeling for a long time about caring for everybody else and not feeling as if I receive any care in return - ahhh! So, looking forward to stitching from 10pm to 1am (ish) every day, along with limiting my sleep, has given me a whole new lease of life. Rock on!!

Anyway, back to Autumnal Abstract. Here's where I left it back in July 2006:

After 52 hours

And this is where I am now:

After 60 hours

I love the blocks of colours and the colours themselves so plan to stay with this project for quite some time! If my new regime continues to work I should find myself updating this blog much more often!

Take care everyone!

All the best and
Happy stitching :)
Rachel x


  1. Wow, what a lot of progress! How does the sleep limiting work? I could definitely do with more stitching time.

    1. Thanks, Justine. I'm one of those who believe that too much sleep can make you feel more tired. And I think my experiment has proved that right for me. Might not work for everyone though.... :)

  2. Lovely progress. Hope the sleep limiting goes well, I am a bit of a night owl myself. Anything before 12 is an early night for me :)

    1. Thanks Emma. Stitching late at night is so peaceful and has really done wonders for my mental state! There must be loads of stitchers who continue into the small hours of the morning - although many may not be intentional!!! :)

  3. Wonderful progress Rachel. I sure wish that I could survive on 6 hours sleep.


    1. Thanks Linda. I'm uncertain as to how long the sleep limitation will work. No doubt I'll have to catch up at some point as my body gives in! :)

  4. Beautiful progress on this piece. The colours are so pretty.

  5. Beautiful progress and good luck with the 6 hours sleep. I need my 8 hours otherwise I can't function :)

  6. You'll be surprised about how well the body copes with a little less sleep. I've found that for me, regular sleep and routine work better than more sleep but without a set pattern. I hope it goes well for you and you feel a little more free. I look forward to seeing your progress as that project is lovely!


Thank you for taking time to view and comment on my blog. All comments are read and greatly appreciated. I try to reply, even if it's just to say another thank you. :)